This & That: Small Space No Closet Solutions from CB2

April 7, 2016

In my daily life, I stumble across so many things that I think are pretty darn rad that I believe would be of benefit and interest to my readers and clients.

So I zealously tear pages out of catalogues and magazines and so forth, but then find myself at a loss as to what to do with said information and items. Maybe they don’t quite fit into the blog posts I feel like writing at the time and they aren’t beefy enough on their own to constitute a post. So I eventually crumble them up, rather sadly, and move on with my life, albeit feeling as though I didn’t share the PSA.

Listen, I’m not suggesting I’m privy to some secret source of awesomeness; I’m pretty sure CB2 has a couple dozen people at this point on their mailing list. Only, I’m looking through materials with my organizer eyes, meaning that maybe I notice things you flipped over. Who knows?

Anyhow, CB2 has been, in my opinion–and barring the Lenny Kravitz collaboration which just felt like what the what and why now?–playing a strong style and small space solutions game as of late. And so it is that for the first time, I’m shouting out just two items in this post, without having any real theme or even a shared category. (Other than helpful, innovative, attractive, and did I mention solution oriented?)

Take it or leave it. A little bit of this and that.

1. Outside the box wall mounted stand


Such a fantastic solution for no closet situations!

Such a fantastic solution for no closet situations!


2. SAIC valet 23.5″ jewelry cabinet with mirror


Why just have a mirror, when you can have a mirror that doubles as a jewelry cabinet?!


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