Spring Cleaning Essentials
Happy spring (officially!).
You know what? It’s time to shake off the winter slumber. It’s time to embrace the revitalization of springtime, and I’m talking about your houses kids.
It’s on.
Let’s review the essentials needed to get your spleaning party on:
1. Cleaning arsenal
Ensure you have all the cleaning products you’ll need, the essential household cleaning kit would be about it.
2. Bags & such
This is the one and only case in which I would advise you to collect boxes and bags, but they can come in handy when you’re in the full-on spring cleaning process. Garbage bags will certainly suffice, but having a few cardboard boxes is a good idea, as you’ll most definitely be hauling out heavier items for donation (yes, you will).
Also helpful in this respect: tags for noting the intention of each bag/box, and a sharpie or two.
3. Tunes
I usually prefer quiet when organizing because I am in major concentration mode, but when cleaning, it’s necessary to pump up the jams and whatnot. Make a playlist, get excited about it!
4. Time
Spring cleaning isn’t going to happen unless you schedule it (I assume random cleaning spree urges don’t afflict the general population as they do me?). Pick a day, a couple of days, plan out how long you will work and what project you plan to tackle during each session. Be all cute and organized about it.
Some people will also find it helpful to work according to the clock; decide in advance how long you’ll work for, set your timer, and persist as long as it lasts.
When you’re done, give yourself a little reward cause you earned that.
Clean it up:
1. Rectangular Cleaning Caddy // 2. Stainless Steel Milk Pail //3. E-Cloth Home Cleaning Set // 4. Casabella Premium Water Stop Gloves // 5. Casabella Microfiber Sponge // 6. Method Tub ‘N Tile Bathroom // 7. Mr. Clean Magic Eraser with Extra Power // 8. Windex // 9. Caldrea Dish Soap Sea Salt Neroli // 10. Bon Ami // 11. Method All Purpose Natural Surface Cleaning Spray // 12. Goo Gone // 13. Bathroom Bowl Cleaner
Haul it out:
1. Glad ForceFlex OdorShield Tall Kitchen Drawstring Trash Bags // 2. 3M Post-it Reminder Tags
// 3. Sharpie Permanent Markers
Get in the groove:
1. Bite on Time Kitchen Timer from ModCloth // 2. GOgroove SonaVERSE Portable Speaker Boombox
5. Starting point
Where to start depends upon you, and you’ve got to know yourself well in order to decide. Your options include:
A. The easiest, smallest project. This is a good strategy for those people who aren’t naturally inclined toward cleanliness, or who lack cleaning confidence. Knock out the easy tasks and watch your faith in your abilities to tackle the harder ones soar. Soar might be a stretch. Increase.
B. Start with the hardest, grossest, most bothering-you project.
This is a good strategy for the fearless, the ones who possess the guts and guile to see it through. Think about what area is top of the bother list–the one that nags at you on a daily basis. Squash it. and the rest will be smooth sailing from there.
Alright, so now I want to hear all about your spleaning plans. What project is top of your list and what song is sure to make your playlist? TELL ME CAUSE I NEED TO KNOW THESE THINGS.
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Bathroom vanity and medicine cabinet inside and out, along with revamping my skincare and make-up routine with safer and effective products for spring while listening to my new cd’s; Lorde and Imagine Dragons 🙂
Hi Annie,
I am new to your blog and so enjoy reading.
I am starting my spring cleaning Monday upstairs with our bath rooms. I start with the windows, washing the curtains. Next clean the windows and wash down the walls, clean lights, vent fan, ceiling while the curtains are being washed, dryer, and pressing them with my iron. Next throw in my bath rugs into the washer. Wipe my dusty curtain rods and hang up clean curtains and shower curtains. Then on to the fixtures, doors, and floors. I have already cleaned my cabinets and linen closet a couple of weeks ago. Finally I will put down my clean bath rugs then smile with pride at my efforts. I like things quiet when I clean but I might sing Gene Kelley’s “Singing in the Rain.” After cleaning two bathrooms, I move on to the three bedrooms de cluttering, cleaning similar to the bathrooms, and finally the hallway, removing pictures to wash down the walls, ceiling, woodwork, wiping down the dust from the pictures, cleaning the glass, and using my level to make sure they are level which I rehang them. Vacuum the carpet and check for any dirty spots. We have a no shoes policy at our house which helps also.
When all of that is completed I will tackle the main floor and lastly the downstairs and garage. It will take a month or so to complete all these tasks but the routine works well for me.Make everyday special.
JoyceP.S. I will resist my computer and iPad during this time- lol
Joyce! You are a spring cleaning expert! Very impressed. 🙂
The baseboards are getting my attention this week, using Dr. Bonners so I don’t have to rinse. The decluttering project I am LOATHE to start is purging baby/toddler toys. The youngest is in school now and we need to let go of a lot. I know it’ll be hard!
Oh, music! Yes, very important. I love Pandora, but sometimes I want the talk/feel of local radio. For fun: classic country.
Annie, it’s easy to see the enormous research you’ve done to bring this article to life. Thank you for doing this!
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Bathroom vanity and medicine cabinet inside and out, along with revamping my skincare and make-up routine with safer and effective products for spring while listening to my new cd’s; Lorde and Imagine Dragons 🙂
Hi Annie,
I am new to your blog and so enjoy reading.
I am starting my spring cleaning Monday upstairs with our bath rooms. I start with the windows, washing the curtains. Next clean the windows and wash down the walls, clean lights, vent fan, ceiling while the curtains are being washed, dryer, and pressing them with my iron. Next throw in my bath rugs into the washer. Wipe my dusty curtain rods and hang up clean curtains and shower curtains. Then on to the fixtures, doors, and floors. I have already cleaned my cabinets and linen closet a couple of weeks ago. Finally I will put down my clean bath rugs then smile with pride at my efforts. I like things quiet when I clean but I might sing Gene Kelley’s “Singing in the Rain.” After cleaning two bathrooms, I move on to the three bedrooms de cluttering, cleaning similar to the bathrooms, and finally the hallway, removing pictures to wash down the walls, ceiling, woodwork, wiping down the dust from the pictures, cleaning the glass, and using my level to make sure they are level which I rehang them. Vacuum the carpet and check for any dirty spots. We have a no shoes policy at our house which helps also.
When all of that is completed I will tackle the main floor and lastly the downstairs and garage. It will take a month or so to complete all these tasks but the routine works well for me.
Make everyday special.
P.S. I will resist my computer and iPad during this time- lol
Joyce! You are a spring cleaning expert! Very impressed. 🙂
The baseboards are getting my attention this week, using Dr. Bonners so I don’t have to rinse. The decluttering project I am LOATHE to start is purging baby/toddler toys. The youngest is in school now and we need to let go of a lot. I know it’ll be hard!
Oh, music! Yes, very important. I love Pandora, but sometimes I want the talk/feel of local radio. For fun: classic country.
Annie, it’s easy to see the enormous research you’ve done to bring this article to life. Thank you for doing this!