The Essential Household Cleaning Kit
There’s a reason why hotel housekeeping transports a cart’s worth of cleaning products from room and room (I mean besides the fact that hotel rooms aren’t actual houses with supplies of their own on hand). Can you imagine if they were tasked with lugging all those bottles and brushes and whatnot around in their arms? Poor dears would give themselves hernias from the strain of it all. No, they maintain a well-stocked supply cart with all the items they’ll require to tidy a room. And we would be wise to follow their example.
Of course, our version will be on the smaller scale (unless you’re responsible for the upkeep of a bed and breakfast or some fantastically large estate with as many rooms as the average hotel is equipped with), but no less important.
Here are my recommendations for the essential household cleaning kit:
The caddies:
1. Rectangular Cleaning Caddy– a fairly standard albeit very functional plastic caddy
2. Stainless Steel Milk Pail– a heavy duty caddy option that’s guaranteed not to rust, and to look a tad more chic than plastic.
The cloths, sponges & gloves:
3. E-Cloth Home Cleaning Set– These microfiber cleaning cloths are said to be the best around, and this bundle comes with two glass and polishing cloths, a kitchen cloth with scrubbing pocket, a bathroom cloth, a window cloth, a dusting cloth, a stainless steel cloth, and a range and stovetop cloth. So, basically everything you could ever need or want.
4. Casabella Premium Water Stop Gloves– These gloves are cotton lined for comfort, and their cuff prevents water from dripping down your arms, a definite bonus.
5. Casabella Microfiber Sponge– Another offering from Casabella, these microfiber sponges are durable, won’t scratch surfaces, and dry quickly.
The cleaners:
6. Method Tub ‘N Tile Bathroom– I’ve blabbed about this product at length now, and the good news on that front is that I still stand by my review.
7. Mr. Clean Magic Eraser with Extra Power– Magic erasers are some sort of mysterious cleaning magic. I don’t really know how they do it, or that I want to know how, suffice it to say that they do; scuff marks on the walls, gross stuff on cabinets, even sneakers are easily restored to their former white glory, without the muscle that other cleanings would require (fair warning: in my experience, these things crumble like feta cheese-does anyone else find this?-and yet they’re so effective that I still purchase and recommend them).
8. Windex– Certainly there may be more natural offerings, but for me, I’m stickin’. Also works, it’s Windex, you know.
9. Caldrea Dish Soap Sea Salt Neroli– According to Consumer Reports, dish soap is dish soap is dish soap. So why not get one that smells intoxicatingly good? This one, in my humble opinion, does.
10. Bon Ami– This product has been around for ages and for good reason, it’s non-abrasive, free of chlorine or dye, and works wonders on things like glass, windows, mirrors, porcelain, unlacquered metals, chrome, aluminum, stainless steel, ceramic tile, cast iron cookware, whitewall tires, and tools.
11. Method All Purpose Natural Surface Cleaning Spray– Another favorite from the Method line, this all purpose cleanser works wonderfully and smells fresh, win win.
12. Goo Gone– Another tried and true; goo gone saves the day in sticky situations. I carry around a small bottle of this with me, as I’m constantly peeling labels off of bins and organizers and such.
13. Bathroom Bowl Cleaner
– Necessary.
So there you have it. Now, what would you add to the kit?
Image credits: bhg, Martha Stewart, unknown2 Comments
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I like your cleaning product suggestions. I use most of them myself. Ps. Yes the magic eraser does crumble like cheese. The one comment I would like to make is this ; I use Greenworks dish soap. It cleans very well & most important doesn’t make my hands chapped. Lots of suds , smells great.
I agree with all and would add awesome cleaner for that spot on the carpet you didn’t know the dog left you.
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I like your cleaning product suggestions. I use most of them myself. Ps. Yes the magic eraser does crumble like cheese. The one comment I would like to make is this ; I use Greenworks dish soap. It cleans very well & most important doesn’t make my hands chapped. Lots of suds , smells great.
I agree with all and would add awesome cleaner for that spot on the carpet you didn’t know the dog left you.