Spotlight On Jenny Wolf Interiors (Redux!)

October 13, 2016

The last time (aka the first time) I featured the work of Jenny Wolf, it was circa 2012.

A lot has changed since then; I hadn’t begun overcoming my banana-aversion for one (now up to stomaching a third, frozen, in my pro-shake, for the record and applause). I owned those gold Superga sneakers that were great until they’d had their day.

2012 was pre-Greek funnymoon, and pre-first house purchase.

I still had my long-standing hair-cut allergy back then. And I’d never seen a single episode of Scandal or the Great British Bake Off.

But you want to know what hasn’t changed? Jenny Wolf is still cranking out gorgeous design. Actually, I’d hazard to say that she’s gotten better with the passing of years.

Just you take a peep at this random assortment from her portfolio if you don’t believe me:
Take a peek into the portfolio of one of nyc's most talented interior designers... Take a peek into the portfolio of one of nyc's most talented interior designers... Take a peek into the portfolio of one of nyc's most talented interior designers... Take a peek into the portfolio of one of nyc's most talented interior designers... Take a peek into the portfolio of one of nyc's most talented interior designers... Take a peek into the portfolio of one of nyc's most talented interior designers... screen-capture-7 Take a peek into the portfolio of one of nyc's most talented interior designers... Take a peek into the portfolio of one of nyc's most talented interior designers... Take a peek into the portfolio of one of nyc's most talented interior designers... Take a peek into the portfolio of one of nyc's most talented interior designers...

Jenny: congratulations; in the time it’s taken me to be able to choke down a segment of frozen-mushy fruit, you’ve further proven your design prowess with spaces that are traditional at their roots, current in their presentation, and all together delicately, deliberately injected with a sense of story and personality.

My peel’s off to you.

And now you: tell me something about 2012. What’s one thing you started back then, and how’s it grown? Or: one thing you released that year? Or! Why November 2016 is SO much BETTER than 2012 ever was?

Can’t wait to read your comments, kids.



  1. Nikki on October 14, 2016 at 7:27 am

    2016 is so much better since my little guy turned 4!! So back in 2012 I was a brand new mommy and learning the ropes now I am still learning buy my little guy is more of an adventure buddy now 🙂

    • Annie on October 17, 2016 at 5:39 pm

      Love it! Enjoy your mom-groove.

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  1. Nikki on October 14, 2016 at 7:27 am

    2016 is so much better since my little guy turned 4!! So back in 2012 I was a brand new mommy and learning the ropes now I am still learning buy my little guy is more of an adventure buddy now 🙂

    • Annie on October 17, 2016 at 5:39 pm

      Love it! Enjoy your mom-groove.

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