One Tip Tuesday: Paper Clips Vs. Binder Clips

October 22, 2013

Today’s tip is aimed at resolving the eternal debate that’s been waging in your head for years, keeping you up at night: paper clips vs. binder clips. I know, I know, I can’t believe it’s taken me this long to address the matter either. But I’m getting to it now, and that’s what counts, right?

So the thing is this: occasionally you would like to fasten papers together, yes? However, for a variety of reasons–your fear of commitment among them–a staple just isn’t the thing. A more temporary binding method is what the situation requires. While the paper clip is perhaps more readily available in most workspaces, in truth, it rather pales in comparison to its compatriot, the binder clip. For you see, the trouble with paper clips is that they often slip onto other papers, too. Papers which you didn’t intend to be included in the bundle. They sneak in. Which messes you up, complicates your filing system, yadah. Yadah. Yadah.

The binder clip, on the other hand, is far more effective at the task of keeping various papers together. For starters, it’s decidedly more secure than a flimsy paper clip. But not only that–the binder clip is exclusive in its grasp. It will hold exactly the papers which you tell it to, and not a single page more will slip its way in.

If you purport that the binder clip is clunkier in comparison to the sleek design of a paper clip, I would advise that the binder clip is available in the very smallest of sizes, the most miniature of which is hardly to be considered clunky.

And so!

In the matter of paper clip vs. binder clip my ruling is clear.

And if yours is too, then here, get yourself some good ones, eh?

1. Binder Clips Assorted Colors

2. Knock Knock Task Clips

3. Officemate Binder Clips, Gold

4. Animal Print Binder Clips 

5. Black and White Binder Clips

6. Polka Dot Turn Clips

7. Die Cuts With A View 12-Pack Binder Clips

8. Officemate Breast Cancer Awareness Medium Easy Grip Binder Clips

9. Jonathan Adler Binder Clips

Image credit: paper clips-unknown, binder clips: Cheltenham Road 

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