Live Simply Picks From The Latest Container Store Offerings
I give The Container Store much, much less love publicly than I should. I never want this blog to feel like an advertisement for anything, after all, besides the concept of Live Simply, itself. But in truth, the Store is my bread and butter. 90% of the supplies I use for my clients come from there, and I spend a whole lot o’ time perusing the inventory, whether in store or online.
I’m on a first name basis with most of the employees at my local store, to the point that when I roll in after new merchandise has, one of them inevitably leads me on a guided tour of the store, showing me this new product and that one.
So today I’ve decided to let the cat out of the bag, call it what it is, and shout out the latest arrivals to hit the shelves of The Container Store that I’m super pumped about.
1. Linus Large Tote
If you’ve spent any time around here, you’ll be very familiar with my love of Linus. The deep drawers, in particular, are my go-to. So, that they’ve gone and put a handle on it has me all kinds of excited.
Think portable sandwich-making situation. Cleaning caddy. The possibilities are endless!
2. Bra Organizer
The Boobie Trap Bra Organizer. I find this to be both hilarious and entirely practical. Bras do have a way of flopping around in drawers, getting tangled, and being surprisingly annoying to keep neat. A specially-made sorter that protects the cups from premature puckering and ensures greater accessibility to all one’s bras? Sign me up. (I’m so proud of myself for not making any boob-puns, aren’t you??)
3. Water Hyacinth Storage Bins
These water hyacinth baskets have been around for a while. They’re beautifully made and very sturdy–one of my favorites. This colorway, however, is new, and I can’t wait to get involved with it.
4. 3M Command caddies
These are brilliant. They’re all the non-committal, non-hole-in-wall-inducing magic of command hooks, but in caddy form.
I put them in my cart immediately upon first laying eyes on them, knowing they’d work wonders in a client’s bathroom.
5. Acrylic clutch and small purse organizer
I am massively excited for this to be available. It’s exactly what I’ve been wanting–what I’ve been attempting to create by way of shelf dividers–for years.
6. White plastic storage bins with handles
If I’m honest, these remind me exactly of IKEA’s white plastic storage bins, that are, in fact, really stellar. Only, they’re from IKEA. That in and of itself isn’t so bad, it’s just the getting them from IKEA that is less than desirable. So that these are now available at the Container Store (at a very IKEA-esque price point, no less!) is a sign of Simply things to come.
Which of these items are you most intrigued by??
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I totally support the Boobie Trap. It would look strapping in any closet. I can see why you’re hooked.
Besides having great products at reasonable prices, The Container Store CEO is committed to a business plan that allows everyone associated with the business to thrive.
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I totally support the Boobie Trap. It would look strapping in any closet. I can see why you’re hooked.
Besides having great products at reasonable prices, The Container Store CEO is committed to a business plan that allows everyone associated with the business to thrive.