The Ideal Entry: A Shoe Storage Solution
Dealing with the near-inevitable accumulation of shoes by the door is consistently an issue for my clients, and probably for you, too.
Those lucky enough to have an actual mudroom are in many ways unlucky when it comes to shoes; usually the more entryway space, the greater the shoe pile up.
The goal becomes capping the amount of door adjacent footwear, which, anyone living in a busy household will tell you takes more than a little attention and stick-to-itiveness. Because the thing is it’s just mayhem trying to keep all those pairs cohabiting in one spot–a collection that’s constantly being ravaged through, kicked into, muddied and whatnot in order.
Say we changed the conversation, though. Say the goal was not to limit the shoes, but merely to propose a more effective way of storing them by the door.
Cubbies will come close. Baskets will probably help. Shoe racks are a near complete waste of time. But pull out shoe shelves–now there might be a winner.
More convenient to utilize than individual baskets or bins for child-things or the undisciplined, and far more accessible than ordinary, stationary shelves, pull out shoe shelves–especially when located close to floor-level–are sort of the uber efficient equivalent of just having shoes sprawled all over the floor.
And while the idea caught my attention through the lens of entryways, it should be noted that the aforeblogged concept might do just as well in a closet space. See here?
Alright, so what say you?
Image credits: 1. top: Muse Interiors, bottom: BHG, 2. top: Clos-ette, bottom: AK Design & Accents1 Comment
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Oh wow, this is perfect. Now I just need some space.
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Oh wow, this is perfect. Now I just need some space.