8 Stand-Out Products To Make Your Wardrobe Staples Look & Feel Like New
There's a fine line between hoarding rags and scraps that once resembled actual wardrobe items and refreshing beloved items which show signs of having been...
10 Beautiful Jewelry Boxes
Some things just don't really change, like the functionality of a stapler, or the fact that your phone will at some point inevitably die right...
9 No Closet Solutions
As it was just the close of the last year, I took a moment to glance through the search terms people use to find my...
9 Accessory Holders For Dapper Dudes
The seeming randomness of today's post topic is also its proof of eligibility--the love doled out around here specifically for the men-people is sparse, at...
5 Tips To Fall In Love With Folding
There's something happening with people and folding lately. Everyone in my life keeps managing to bring the conversation back around to their complete and utter...
A Simple Trick To Squeeze More Storage Into Your Small Closet Space
I'm keeping it brief today, with sincerest apologies (or not). Only, I was in Chicago last week-weekend, and am currently in the midst of orchestrating...
2 Steps To Refresh Your Cedar
Lots of people, and maybe you too, want to keep their closets smelling and feeling fresh and moth-free. So they trot out and buy themselves...
Weekend Assignment: You Vs. Your T-Shirts; Who’s Winning?
I spent the latter part of yesterday (although as I'm writing this I mean today, which is quite strange) working with a client to edit...
7 (Electrician, Wiring-Free & Affordable) Ways To Light Up Your Dark Space
If I had a flashlight for every time I've squinted into a pathetically dim closet while my client bashfully explains the crazy situation within, well...