9 Jewelry Stands To Corral Your Finery & Dress Up Your Vanity
Jewelry, as much as anything, is best organized in one fell swoop, by which I mean: in one, cohesive, all-encompassing system.
Nothing so detracts from your ability to actually wear (and keep track of) your jewelry than a dozen or more miscellaneous, organizational half-starts, wherein the whole of your bauble collection is spread amongst many knick knack trays, multiple, little jewelry bags, and a slew of random jeweler’s boxes.
Choose one system, expansive enough to accomodate everything in a given category, that advice is the bread and butter of Simplyland.
That said, there is a slight distinction for most women between the whole of their finery and the few, select pieces they’re in the habit of wearing most frequently at any given time. Much as it represents a flaw in my organizational ointment and exception to The Rule, there is an undeniable convenience factor at play when it comes to everyday jewelry.
So, give it a proper spot, is all, ladies and bejeweled gentlemen. Take a stand!
3. Antique Brass & Acrylic Jewelry Stand
5. Palm Reader
7. Sea Urchin Jewelry Stand Set
8. Acrylic stand (Classic, L.S. go-to option, right here.)
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Where can I purchase one or some of these beautiful stands?