14 Factors That (Surprise!) Actually Have No Bearing On Whether You Should Keep Something
1. Whether or not it was a gift 2. How much it cost 3. Where it came from 4. How long you've had it 5....
Grandparents Will Never Give A Bad Gift After This… [FREE Download!]
If you've been Living Simply for a while this fact won't surprise you: gifts can be problematic. Throughout my client work, I've noticed that gifts...
The Storage Space You’re Likely Overlooking
Here's a newsflash to blow the popcorn right out of your hump day: surface space is surface space. It doesn't matter quite where said space...
3 Reasons Why Your Efforts To Get Organized Are Failing (And The Fixes!)
Swear you want to get organized but just can't seem to manage to pull it off? Here are the top three reasons why I'm willing...
The 5 Ways You’re Making Your Space Feel Smaller & Dirtier Than It Has To
Talking about things in their opposites can be oddly very effective (as was proven with this big time hit), and so we're discussing the ways...
What Your Stuff Says About You
Material belongings help to contribute to our overall identity. We feel certain things are validated about ourselves by owning various items, and we hope various...
5 Ways To Make Your Space Feel Like New Affordably (If Not For Free!)
Let's say you're feeling that January itch, you know the one that craves a noticeable and rather immediate change? Your clothes seem completely unappealing and...
5 Steps To End Your Procrastination Streak And Accomplish Your Goals
If ever there was a time for most people to feel motivated enough to finally attend to those long-delayed projects or goals it's now. I...
Top 5 Organizational Strategy Posts Of 2014
Have you heard? We're currently counting down Live Simply readers' favorite posts of the past year! These top-read posts are chock full of strategies to...