9 Ways To Help Other People Live Simply
1. Honor your commitments (or, be a person who does what they say they will). 2. Be on time. Whether it's a business meeting, an...
The Dangers Of Undefined Space
Today's post is a cautionary tale in which I aim to scare you laceless and then send you on your way. Let's get into it,...
5 Tricks To Get More Done
Okay, so you're still a human being and not a machine. Sucks, I know. But as non-automated entities will probably soon be a thing of...
13 Ways To Live Simply Right Now
In no particular order, and off the top of my head, 13 ways you can Live more Simply right now. 1. Measure your bathroom or...
7 Organizing & Decor Projects You Can Do In A Day
Sometimes you just need to start small. While yesterday we covered strategies for motivating oneself to do stuff, today I shall further attempt to get...
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Clutterers
Collections of clutter may vary by the person, but the underlying behaviors and motivations towards stuff is what unites every pack rat, hoarder, and saver....
How To Upgrade Everything In Your Life
Lots of people complain about the sad state of various belongings--towels, oven mitts, furniture, and on. They know that they really ought to replace such...