Weekend Assignment: Get A Handle On Your Bags
This post might have been entirely of a different nature, only I had to perform a bag-ervention at my friend’s house last night and now bags are the only thing on the brain.
It wasn’t just my friend that has (had) an inordinate amount of bags on hand (what she has (had) in bags she more than makes up for in: business, smarts, personality, looks, etc. etc.), but all households. I have yet to visit a home that has a reasonable, one might even call it modest, collection of reusable totes, paper grocery bags, plastic grocery bags, and plastic grocery store produce bags.
I should correct that–people either have no bags to speak of, or they have infinity bags. If they one, they have infinity. And those that have one and therefore infinity are practically infinite.
But enough stalling, let’s get to the homework.
This weekend, I need for you to tackle your bags. Please. It’s killing me. Isn’t that motivation enough?
Live Simply Method
Gather all the bags together in one spot.
Sort out how many you have of each type: canvas bags, large reusable bags, small reusable bags, paper bags, plastic bags, etc.
It’s entirely fair to keep a reasonable representation from each category, so long as you’ll actually use them all. The main thing to do is refine and streamline.
Do you need every paper retailer bag that’s ever crossed your threshold? No! Would it be convenient to keep a few of the sturdiest, most attractive, most appealing size-wise? Yes! And recycle the rest? Please! (Most of these sorts of bags can be recycled after you’ve untied/cut off the ribbon handles, which generally need to get trashed.)
Do you need every reusable bag in the world? No! Do you need a few large and a few small that you prefer over the others? Yes! Can you ditch those kind that are super flimsy but have the plastic bottom-board? Yes!
Reusable bags may not be accepted by all charitable organizations, but I’ve never had my clients’ bags turned down. (Read: donate those bad boys!)
Once you’ve edited the collection of bags, put them neatly away in your storage location of choice. The easiest method is usually just to keep the bags in a bag, although I would keep different types of bags separated. You could also easily hang them from hooks, corral them in magazine-file type bin, and so on.
Pssssst: You can also fold up your reusable bags. Here’s a little video I made for MPMK on how to do so.
If you feel you need more counsel on this matter, head on over to this post.
Image credits: unknown (?!), Live Simply via MPMK, BHG
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I love your blog!! Been stealth reading for quite a few months and really enjoy your Monday Meditations, and am inspired by your de clutter/simplify message. You are right on.
How about storing your bags in a bag in a basket? Do I get extra points? 😉 if it doesn’t fit in my basket it doesn’t stay. Now if I can just remember to restock my keep in the car for emergencies I will be doing good. 🙂
Tee hee… you are the best. Love this post especially so.
So I’ve just been working my way through your whole blog (nbd) … anyhoo the image credit is @adrikrisnadi on Instagram. You’re welcome 🙂
Love the blog if you couldn’t tell!
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I love your blog!! Been stealth reading for quite a few months and really enjoy your Monday Meditations, and am inspired by your de clutter/simplify message. You are right on.
How about storing your bags in a bag in a basket? Do I get extra points? 😉 if it doesn’t fit in my basket it doesn’t stay. Now if I can just remember to restock my keep in the car for emergencies I will be doing good. 🙂
Tee hee… you are the best. Love this post especially so.
So I’ve just been working my way through your whole blog (nbd) … anyhoo the image credit is @adrikrisnadi on Instagram. You’re welcome 🙂
Love the blog if you couldn’t tell!