Storage Strategy: Magnetics
At various times on this here blog I like to highlight storage and organizational methods, among them The Nesting Effect and Organizing by Activity. Today’s post joins the ranks of such ramblings, offering up for your consumption an approach to storage of the magnetic variety.
The magnetic force should not be underestimated, neither between star crossed lovers (whatever that means) nor household products, alike. See, here, how it’s useful in the bathroom, whether modest in scale (a magnetic strip for keeping track of tid bits such as tweezers and bobby pins), mid-range (taking advantage of magnetic medicine cabinet doors by way of Magnapods),
or grander (a galvanized steel sheet
providing an entire magnetic surface, combined with magnetic canisters
for containing any number of small items).
Useful, too, in the workshop for taming paintbrushes, tools, drill bits and more.
Magnetic storage is applicable in the kitchen, as well. Spice, knives, and other kitchen-y things easily obey the power of the magnet.
And finally, arguably the most apt locale for magnetization– the workspace/craft area; scissors, paper clips, yadah yadah yadah.
What’s your take on magnetic storage? Feel free to object as vehemently as you desire; this is a free country after all (what a weird way to end a post).
Image credits: Bathroom: (clockwise from top left) Real Simple, Martha Stewart, Magna Pods, Real Simple, House to Home, Workshop (clockwise from top right) The Cavender Diary, Martha Stewart, BHG, Martha Stewart, Kitchen (clockwise from top) A Beautiful Mess, HGTV, Design Sponge, Office (clockwise from top left) Country Home via Apartment Therapy, Sabrina Soto via Apartment Therapy, Easy Living Decoratrix, BHG2 Comments
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Haha, thoroughly enjoyed that last line!
Not 100% convinced by the magnets – while they look pretty and practical in pictures, I feel like my ‘in real life’ version would bug me if things weren’t perfectly symmetrical. (And how the hell would you get scissors to look ‘right’ in a line of things?). Pretty sure that my partner would tilt things just a little to bug me too…
Now I’m ending this comment realising how crazy OCD I sound. I’m not really, just a little bit kind of.
Oh Helen, I feel we are sympatico.
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Haha, thoroughly enjoyed that last line!
Not 100% convinced by the magnets – while they look pretty and practical in pictures, I feel like my ‘in real life’ version would bug me if things weren’t perfectly symmetrical. (And how the hell would you get scissors to look ‘right’ in a line of things?). Pretty sure that my partner would tilt things just a little to bug me too…
Now I’m ending this comment realising how crazy OCD I sound. I’m not really, just a little bit kind of.
Oh Helen, I feel we are sympatico.