Organize Your Junk Drawer into a Hunk Drawer! LS Contest & Giveaway
So here’s the deal.
I am on a mission to help the world Live Simply.
By reading this blog, you’re certainly beginning to dip your toes into that pool. But damp toes aren’t enough, I’ve decided. I want to compel you, my readers, to act.
So I’ve decided to integrate a little participation factor into this thing. We’re going to start out small, no need to overwhelm you right out of the gates.
I’ve been in a whole bunch of homes and I have yet to encounter one that doesn’t have a horrifyingly junked up junk drawer. I want you to tackle yours. I want you to transform it into a hunk drawer. Here’s how:
1. Snap a picture of your junk drawer before.
2. Remove everything from the drawer and sort into categories: pens and pencils, gum and mints, paperclips, receipts, etc.
3. Discard anything that’s no longer necessary/ in working order. This includes: dried up pens, eraser-less pencils, bread crumbs, stray earrings, sad old sugar packets, etc. Relocate anything that belongs elsewhere (makeup-goes to the bathroom, screws go to the toolkit, etc).
4. Clean the inside of the drawer.
5. Use drawer dividers (suggested: plastic drawer organizer bamboo drawer organizer
acrylic drawer organizer
). If retail isn’t your style, you can DIY some dividers with things around the house. I’ll accept that.
6. Replace like items (only those that are true necessities!) in their respective compartments.
7. Snap a picture of your drawer after.
But wait, there’s more. As encouragement for you to actually do this, I’m offering a bribe.
8. Send me your before and after picture for a chance to be entered to win one of my most popular virtual organizing packages, The Roadmap, valued at $69.
Clients have been loving The Roadmap because it offers them an uber convenient way to get advice about how to organize their space, without having to actually expend much time or effort getting that advice. All it takes is your sending over a few pictures of the space, addressing your concerns about it on an assessment form, and then wham bam thank you ma’am, I’ll be comin’ at your inbox with a whole lot of Live Simply– a.k.a., step-by-step instructions for how to organize the space, any relevant product recommendations, and information about local resources for recycling donation, etc.
I’m so excited to be gifting The ‘Map to one of you.
Photos must be submitted by next Thursday night (2/28). You can email them to me at (subject line: “Here’s my hunk drawer!”), you can tweet them to me @livesimply, you can tag me in an instagram post (@livesimplybyannie) or you can post them on your own blog if you have one and leave a comment on this post with a link to it.
Can’t wait to see your hunky drawers, pets.
Image credits: (clockwise from top right) Brooklyn Limestone, Oprah, Organized Mom Apartment Therapy, Redbook, Centsational Girl2 Comments
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I just cleaned out my desk drawers two weeks ago while my husband was out of town. Ugh!! I was two weeks too soon. Atleast my drawers are organized and clutter free. I love opening my drawers now!
No, I love that you did that. Send in your after pictures and tell me what you did.
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I just cleaned out my desk drawers two weeks ago while my husband was out of town. Ugh!! I was two weeks too soon. Atleast my drawers are organized and clutter free. I love opening my drawers now!
No, I love that you did that. Send in your after pictures and tell me what you did.