A Cool, New Way To Label Your Stuff

April 20, 2016

Label makers create perfectly wonderful labels. I use a label maker constantly, and each time that machine cranks out a bit of tape and type, my clients react as if I’ve just bestowed a grand gift upon them. The labels are neat, tidy, and perfectly uniform, which is saying quite a lot (more like everything), and they’re undeniably effective at reminding you where your things belong.

However, there are those people for whom label maker labels are utterly jejune. These creative spirits thrive on eclecticism and have a penchant for an overwhelming sense of individuality in all things–labels for their stuff included. Far be it from me to stifle creative flair with a replicable label.

So, we meet in the middle then; me insisting upon the importance of some kind of labels, and further prohibiting a reign of chaos, and them, requesting we find some more interesting, stimulating way to identify the placement of their stuff.

Here’s an idea you can take, or not: (unlike all the others, which you have no choice but to take, excuse me) forego the sticky bits and opt, instead, to map it out. Think of this technique as a kind of storage template.

If you want a sure-fire way to identify where your belongings belong, outline them in their respective positions. A Beautiful Mess did this with cookware and a pegboard:

A new way to label your belongings--outline them in chalk!

While Domino showcases a kind of reserve outlining system:

The cool, new way to label your stuff that--bonus--will also help keep clutter at bay!

At Levi’s Workshop for photographers, (via Shawn Hoke) cameras are arranged along a couple of shelves, with each one’s respective parking spot so marked in chalk.

A new way to label your belongings--outline them in chalk!

Meanwhile, Martha prescribes the placement of each item in a utility drawer with the use of stickers:

The cool, new way to label your stuff that--bonus--will also help keep clutter at bay!

And House to Home uses giant, striking letters:

Raised bed with striking labels.

Anyhow, at least we can agree it’s a pretty charming presentation for outlining table settings (via Buzzfeed) can’t we?

A new way to label your belongings--outline them in chalk!

Not a type-written sticker in sight, but certainly all the clarity about where to put your stuff.

Any takers? Listen; I’ll keep trying. I’m just one little Annie on a tireless quest to get you to Live Simply. We’ll find the optimal technique for you YET.


  1. Run Wright on April 20, 2016 at 6:40 am

    I love it all. The stickers in the drawer make things so pretty but I just don’t have the space to put individual items in their own cubicles like that. It’s very attractive though

  2. Daisy on April 23, 2016 at 12:13 pm

    Beautiful, Annie! I personally hate label makers though I know lots of people who use them religiously. This is the perfect balance for me. Thanks for showing us these great ideas!

  3. noor on February 3, 2017 at 9:12 pm

    i like this post:)

  4. khan on August 22, 2017 at 9:25 pm

    All the label | stickers loos do nice . IN my kitchen have just some space plz tell me where you buy?
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  5. nasir on December 11, 2017 at 11:04 pm

    All of these gadgets and stickers are cool. We make a new kitchen and decide to paste these type of sticker on walls . I need 4 stickers ( size 6 fit height and width 7 fit. can you send me these stickers

  6. Elmore Organisation on January 20, 2018 at 1:04 am

    An awesome new way to label your new stuff…

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  1. Run Wright on April 20, 2016 at 6:40 am

    I love it all. The stickers in the drawer make things so pretty but I just don’t have the space to put individual items in their own cubicles like that. It’s very attractive though

  2. Daisy on April 23, 2016 at 12:13 pm

    Beautiful, Annie! I personally hate label makers though I know lots of people who use them religiously. This is the perfect balance for me. Thanks for showing us these great ideas!

  3. noor on February 3, 2017 at 9:12 pm

    i like this post:)

  4. khan on August 22, 2017 at 9:25 pm

    All the label | stickers loos do nice . IN my kitchen have just some space plz tell me where you buy?
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  5. nasir on December 11, 2017 at 11:04 pm

    All of these gadgets and stickers are cool. We make a new kitchen and decide to paste these type of sticker on walls . I need 4 stickers ( size 6 fit height and width 7 fit. can you send me these stickers

  6. Elmore Organisation on January 20, 2018 at 1:04 am

    An awesome new way to label your new stuff…

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