Spotlight on Martha Stewart’s Homekeeping Room
When I stumbled upon Miss Martha’s Homekeeping Room I just about had an aneurism out of pure, unbridled joy. It is organization perfection. Let’s just worship it together, shall we?
Here’s the overall layout, which isn’t going to knock your socks off really but just you wait.
Now we’ll take a closer look. Hold on to those Hanes, pumpkins.
First up is the “cleaning station.” It’s a cohesive storage unit for all household cleaning paraphernalia. Up above, kept in convenient open-front labeled bins, are all sorts of cleaners and household maintenance products. Beautiful? The very definition.
In the drawers beneath M.S. keeps all her cleaning wipes, squeegees, dusters, etc. I believe the dividers are built-into the drawers, making sorting these goods effortless.
On the side of the storage hutch, Lady Stewart has installed hooks from which hang dustpan and broom for easy access.
Man, it just gets better though. Next up is the “packing station,” containing all things related to packing and shipping. The gift wrap hutch intuitively accommodates supplies like rolls of packing paper and twine.
And the drawers beneath contain mailing envelopes, packing tape, Sharpie markers, labels, et al. On the side of this unit, Martha hangs her bags, which is truly the best way to store them. It’s better than a FedEx store I tell you.
Across the room is the “hardware and repair station.”
Here, Marth (we’re on sort of a nickname basis) makes genius use of storage products like bins, compartmentalized cases, and storage boxes. Everything is clearly labeled, and the shelves are filled to comfortable capacity.
Up above, magazine files contain warranties and reference materials, while plastic storage boxes hold back-up supplies for the stations below.
I mean, it doesn’t get better than that folks!
Of course, none of us will ever do it better than Martha, but if you’d like to try to recreate it, here are the basic ingredients:
Product sources: Sugatsune swinging hook // Open front bins //
Label maker // Storage hutch // 3-Drawer flat file
Product sources: 3-Drawer flat file cabinet // Gift wrap hutch // Double Prong Robe Hook // Small cubby drawer
Product sources: Paper organizer // storage console // Storage hutch // Tarnish Inhibitor Case // Snapware Smart Store System
// Accessory Box // Magazine File // Deep cubby organizer
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I totally love the idea of a homekeeping room. Now I’m going to have to shuffle a few things around my perfectly organized house (thanks to you, in part) to make room for one. Ok, maybe not a full room, but I bet I can find a wall for it. 🙂
It almost seems too cutsie to be usable.
[…] is a homekeeping room? I had no idea either, until I stumbled upon this blog post from Seattle-based organizer, Annie, over on Live […]
Does anyone know what issue of Martha Stewart Living the Home Keeping Dream room was published in? I am trying to buy a back copy but cannot find the issue that is was written about. Please Help. Feel Free to email me.
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I totally love the idea of a homekeeping room. Now I’m going to have to shuffle a few things around my perfectly organized house (thanks to you, in part) to make room for one. Ok, maybe not a full room, but I bet I can find a wall for it. 🙂
It almost seems too cutsie to be usable.
[…] is a homekeeping room? I had no idea either, until I stumbled upon this blog post from Seattle-based organizer, Annie, over on Live […]
Does anyone know what issue of Martha Stewart Living the Home Keeping Dream room was published in? I am trying to buy a back copy but cannot find the issue that is was written about. Please Help. Feel Free to email me.