Simple Systems: Meg Biram

August 22, 2013

Meg Biram is the sort of person you’d want on your life team. There is the sense about her that she knows a great deal about a great many things, and that, if she happened upon a foreign subject, she would readily acquaint herself and gain expertise.

A creative entrepreneur in the truest sense of the term, Biram’s various professional pursuits include: consulting on digital media marketing, designing a line of monthly Manifesto Ts, creating and selling original artwork, and publishing her lifestyle blog, which is an amalgamation of such endeavors, combined with a dose of fashion, decor, personal reflections and, the obvious favorite for me, a Get Shit Done column.

Today, lady Meg shares her Simple System.♦

I hate looking for my keys or digging for them in my purse, so after opening the door to my apartment, my husband and I always put our keys in this tray right next to the door. That way we can always find them. It never fails me and I can easily grab them on my way out the door.

I also keep sunglasses on the same shelf so I never lose them. Having them out right by the door reminds me to take them with me!

Photo by Meg Biram

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