Monday’s Meditation: On Weight & Flight
It’s Monday, nuggets. And you know what that means. It’s time for another good ole reflection session to start off the week.
While I would never subject you to the corniness of a quote about flying on its own, I confidently call in this line penned by Toni Morrison. Leave it to her to perfectly balance out the cheese-ball with a line so no-bullshit that any and all hint of cheese is obliterated. What dairy?
Last week I spoke about the common issue plaguing my clients, the reason they call in my services. Today I want to address an equally shared sentiment across the client board. It is one you will have heard or thought many times before.
When we have finally reached the end of our project, me and my clients, when we have sorted and categorized and weeded out, when we have arranged to their liking, we both take a step back to breathe in the space. Then my clients all say the same thing,
“I feel so much lighter!” They proclaim.
And then I smile. Knowingly, expectingly, but joyful for them, all the same.
See, the way it works is that the stuff you own is an extension of you. By that I mean, it is a part of the life you have to be responsible for, the weight you have to lug around in this world. That box may be sitting in a corner somewhere in your study, but it is just as surely sitting squarely on your shoulders.
My clients become my clients when they reach the point of no longer being able or wanting to bear that weight. Looking after themselves, their loved ones, and their passions is responsibility enough, they have finally decided. To feel chained down to their multitudes of stuff in addition to all that is exhausting. And so it is that with each extraneous item they expel from their homes they can literally feel themselves becoming lighter.
But of course this notion doesn’t just apply to stuff. We all have things that are weighing us down. Maybe it’s a room full of crap, but maybe it’s a person whose energy and presence has become toxic in your life. Maybe it’s a limitation or boundary you have put upon yourself. Maybe it’s a certain lifestyle into which you are desperately trying to fit. Maybe it’s one decision, maybe it’s many. Maybe you’re weighed down by your own whip-lashing self-loathing. Maybe it’s an addiction of some kind. Maybe it’s none of these things, and maybe it’s all of them.
But you want to hear the good news?
You can free yourself from anything. From any burden or weight. And I know that Ms. Morrison would back me up when I say that all you’ve got to do in order to make that happen is to decide you’re ready to give up that weight. You decide you’re ready to do that, and you can set into motion whatever actions need to be taken to free you. Even if it takes another person helping you, or a bunch, or a huge, life-altering change. Whatever shit you’re dealing with in your own life, you can give it up.
You can heal. You can separate. You can grow. You can begin again. You can make promises and shatter excuses. You can escape. You can learn to use better judgment. You can admit defeat. You can excavate. You can walk away. You can reach out. You can reconnect. You can apologize. You can risk it all. You can ask for help.
When you decide you’re ready, you can fly.
*Images by Philippe Halsman (“Jump,” 1959)
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Oh Annie, you always inspire me so. I can’t wait to free myself of the things that weigh me down. It won’t happen until the fall but the projects are already lined up. Right now I’m feeling lighter by being more carefree about life and responsibilities. The decluttering of stuff will follow shortly after 🙂
Happy Monday, sweetie! xoxo
I’m so glad to hear that 🙂 And glad to hear that projects are lined up to make that happen. Don’t forget that you can focus on little things that are weighing you down as well! Doesn’t have to just be the big things! XO
Great Quote! And lovely inspiration! Cheers.
Great Monday morning message:)
Soooo true. Thank you, my sweet.
Annie I love your Monday Meditation posts, they are always such a positive start to the week 🙂 I really needed to hear this today, so simple, but oh so true xx
Smiling from ear to ear. So happy you liked it 🙂
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Oh Annie, you always inspire me so. I can’t wait to free myself of the things that weigh me down. It won’t happen until the fall but the projects are already lined up. Right now I’m feeling lighter by being more carefree about life and responsibilities. The decluttering of stuff will follow shortly after 🙂
Happy Monday, sweetie! xoxo
I’m so glad to hear that 🙂 And glad to hear that projects are lined up to make that happen. Don’t forget that you can focus on little things that are weighing you down as well! Doesn’t have to just be the big things! XO
Great Quote! And lovely inspiration! Cheers.
Great Monday morning message:)
Soooo true. Thank you, my sweet.
Annie I love your Monday Meditation posts, they are always such a positive start to the week 🙂 I really needed to hear this today, so simple, but oh so true xx
Smiling from ear to ear. So happy you liked it 🙂