DIY Candle Wax Potpourri
In today’s edition of smart ideas that are dumb (possibly also: dumb ideas that are smart), I give you the leftover candle wax potpourri satchel. Consider this the second installment of the repurposed candle jar concept; you’ve kept the jar, but what have you done with the remaining wax?
If you’re as mad about your candle as I am mine, you’ll collect the bits of scented wax with the knowledge that some day, you’ll find a use for it all. And then when you open the box wherein the wax is being held– in a sealed ziploc, no less– and find the whole box to have taken on the scent which you hold so dear, it will occur to you to quit playing games and package the stuff.
And now for the easiest tutorial known to blog-land.
You’ll need:
[Granted, you will need wax from a scented candle, mind you. And your wax must be scented heavily enough to emit a fragrance all on its own. Not all wax will qualify, and if yours doesn’t, you’re out of luck on this one pal; keep burning and come back when you’ve got some really smelly wax.]
Cut your fabric or paper into a square-ish shape.
Deposit your wax onto the material.
Gather the ends and secure with a string. If you intend to hang the satchel, as from a closet rod, keeps your ends long.
If not, snip snip and bow.
Hang it in a closet:
Or nestle it among your delicates.
It’ll give off a subtle scent and that’s that.
Now, how dumb was that.
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