8 Clever Ways To Use Picture Ledges For Storage Around The House
We are a creative lot, this little internet family (that’s you and me).
We prize originality, ingenuity, and cleverness. Which is why I think it is that posts highlighting alternative uses for common household objects are inevitably so well received (case in point: that bit about binder clips that practically caused a fever).
And so, in the grand tradition of new and/or alternate applications, I move that we discuss the picture ledge in such a light. Since this isn’t technically a live two-way conversation, I’ll proceed with that now; any objections to the idea not yet registered.
1. Picture ledges, as we commonly know them, are quite good at holding and displaying art.
They provide you with a clean line that cancels out the visual mish-mash of many photos, varying frames, etc.
On a ledge, art looks anchored. Rooted. And neat.
2. The same effect is true when it comes to the storage and displaying of children’s books:
3. And, similarly, (although I’ve never seen this idea illustrated prior, but am now fully convinced of its brilliance) with cookbooks:
4. If you’ve ever wanted to display a collection of plates, a picture ledge is a fairly no-fuss way of going about the task.
It has a more modern feel than hanging plates individually on hooks, don’t you think?
5. For easy access while cooking, picture ledges also provide the perfect home for spice jars.
Admittedly, the [I was going to say “anal” or “OCD” but actually it seems far more appropriate to go with] Annie in me would insist on all the spice jars being matching.
6. For those of you who relish in selecting from the polish wall at your local nail salon, good news: you can totally have one of your own!
(I sort of hope that if you own that many polishes you stop frequenting the salon and paint your damn nails yourself.)
7. Next up, an application that is either a stroke of genius or laughably unrealistic, but definitely one of the two:
Picture ledge turned matchbox cars parking lot.
What’s your verdict? Do weigh in.
8. Finally, here’s proof of the fact that, when positioned right, even footwear can find a home atop a ledge.
(For those of you who want to get involved: white ledges here, stainless steel (great for kitchens) here, black here.)
Image credits: 1. Desert Domicile, Annika Von Holdt; 2. Photography by Annie McElwain, home of Zoë Chicco via 100 Layer Cake-let, A Merry Mishap via My Scandinavian Home; 3. unknown; 4. Vintage Prarie Style; 5. Jeff & Ashley’s; 6. Zygomatics; 7. Jerrica Zaric; 8. IKEA
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I particularly like the ledge as parking lot!
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I particularly like the ledge as parking lot!