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Live Simply In April: Expansion

It's easy to stay small. It's comfortable to keep being the person you've known yourself to be, with the characteristics those around you have always said define you. The older you get, the more you can begin to believe that who you are now is all you'll be. Acceptance can morph into resignation, which is dangerous territory. Despite how challenging it can feel at times, it's crucial you remember that you are designed to change. ...

Live Simply in March: Synchronicity

  The past two years have been some of the most trying in recent history. We're overwhelmed by the constant barrage, and our mental and emotional processing is overtaxed. Just when we were starting to feel the restrictive collar of fear loosening, beginning to feel a sense of renewal, rejoining, and rebuilding, we’re met with the opposite: destruction, devastation, and senseless violence. How do we cope? How do we not give up our constant striving ...

Live Simply In February: Presence

  When you start paying attention, you realize that most great spiritual teachers are fundamentally saying the same things: Stop trying to control what's out of your control. What you think, you create. And perhaps most importantly: be present. We mere mortals seemingly can't help but to wish we could return--at least temporarily--to the past. When we aren't craning our necks backwards, we're fretting about the future. We're pulled away from the present, too, by ...

Live Simply In January: Clarity (& Happy New Year!)

  My mom has always insisted on one's right to enjoy the benefits of the hardship they endure (misfortune and fortune tend to go hand in hand). Like taking full advantage of the handicap license plate her MS affords us and perpetually parking in the most convenient spot of every parking lot. The last two years felt like some divine force had taken scissors to our concept of normal, cut it into confetti-sized pieces, and ...

Monthly Mantra: December 2021

I AM GRATEFUL FOR ALL THAT I HAVE, AND FOR ALL THAT IS ALREADY ON ITS WAY TO ME. I HAVE SO MUCH. I TRUST THAT THIS WILL ALWAYS BE TRUE.   Whether or not you've known it, you are abundant. You are a wealth of life, and you contain the same stuff as the stars. Abundance is for you because it is you. What prevents us from feeling abundant is fear; fear that we ...


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