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Live Simply All-Star: The Multi-tasking Ottoman

When you stop and think about it, every object in your home is taking up precious space. Every sweater, every glass mug, every last photo frame. So when you find a product that really earns its keep by serving multiple purposes, I say it's usually a winner. Case in point: the storage ottoman. An ottoman alone can multitask as a coffee table, a foot rest or a spare chair. When you add the possibility for storage into ...

Labels To Love

Labels are a fantastic organizing tool. They allocate specific containers and areas for specific items, which helps you to stay organized, and they allow you to identify things quickly and easily. With that in mind, I've rounded up some of my favorite labels from all over the web for your labeling pleasure. These slick stickers are free, downloadable, printable, and enjoyable. * Totally gorgeous mason jar labels via The Pretty Blog These have to be ...

Project De-clutter: The Product Sample

Don't we all just love cosmetics samples. Perfume, makeup, shampoo, shower gel, you name it, they make samples of it, with all the cute little packaging preserved, all miniaturized and free for your sampling pleasure. So you get them- with the purchase of other products, as handouts at the cosmetics counter, sometimes even as tear-out's in magazines, or as hotel souvenirs. And they're perfectly good, and they're free, so you have to take them. And then you have ...

Monday’s Meditation: On the Creative Power

Creative power, in my mind, is about seeing things in a different way. To be creative is to take the pieces which have already existed and suddenly connect them in a way that feels entirely original and fresh, while at the same time, logical. As if those pieces were always intended to be together, and were simply waiting for someone to come along and bind them. This week, even more than usual, honor your creative ...

Welcome to The Porch Life

As the weather gets nicer, the idea of spending time out of doors sounds more and more appealing. I, for one, could certainly while away the hours on porches like these. Join me, won't you? Image credits: Curtis and Windham Architects, unknown, El Mueble Magazine, Country Living,Traditional Home, Micasa, Pottery Barn, Southern Living


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