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How Often Should You Change Your Sheets?

Did you guys hear? Bed sheets are the latest way to make a personal statement-- forget necklaces and bags. Here's a helpful guide to navigating which statement you're sending with your sheets: Statement 1: I never change my sheets because I'm a live-on-the-edger, and I love how my dirty sheets run me the risk of getting acne! Yep, dirty sheets, and especially pillow cases, are apt to do just that. The bacteria that accumulates between ...

Live Simply All-Star: The Tiered Shelf

Very deep, large cabinets and shelf space are a godsend, we agree? (We love storage, storage how we love thee.) The only problem is that such spaces aren't very small-object-friendly. You may be able to fit a whole lot on one shelf, but, being on the same level, and being similarly sized, you'll really only be able to see the items that are sitting front row. Thus, why the tiered shelf is so clutch. Popping a ...

9 Easy Ways To Make Your Home Feel Nicer

 *This post featured on Simply Savvy Before I launch into things, I should point out that the nine rules I’m about to lay down are nine of the most obvious ones out there. They aren’t secrets, and they won’t be things you’ve never heard before. Rather, they are guidelines you will be almost innately familiar with. So why write about them at all? Well, because we can all use a little reminding from time to ...

Monday’s Meditation: On Self-Discipline

I, like the rest of you, am composed of equal parts flaws and strengths. I am very lacking in the risk-taking department, and would be entirely unqualified to advise you on the best places to skydive, for instance. Being disciplined is one of my great strengths. For that reason, I feel comfortable offering my one post on the subject. Being disciplined is not a one shot deal. In my mind, there are several elements involved ...

In The Mirror

Today I am loving on these decidedly attention-grabbing mirrors. You can see how the spaces below rely upon them as their main decorative element, and for good reason. Mirrors add depth, polish, and light. They exist as a form of art, yet blend seamlessly into any space by reflecting back the beauty of the room. What's your take on mirrors? Any favorite ways to place/ hang them for maximum impact? Image credits: Jennifer Garrigues, Marie ...


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