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The Breakfast Nook

Somewhere along the way I have developed a pretty serious crush on The Breakfast Nook. It must be because the morning (I didn't say early morning) is really my favorite time of the day. With the sun shining, a bowl of hot oatmeal, a cup of coffee, and something to read, the feeling of overwhelming possibility abounds. Add in one of these delightful little nooks, and you've just blasted off the breakfast radar and headed ...

With Love From, Kat Whips It Into Shape!

I'm so excited to introduce you all to a new series here at Live Simply which I like to call "Whip It Into Shape!" Everyone has at least one area of their home that's begging to be organized, and which quietly but unmistakably nags at you and weighs on you as the project you know you're meant to tackle, but somehow just can't find the motivation to. Well, my friends, you've just found it. Kat Tanita is ...

A How To Guide for Handling Owner’s Manuals & Warranties

Today's topic is not quite sexy, but it is something that people who buy things have to deal with. So, like, all of us. Honestly, owner's manuals and warranties are pretty much a pain in the behind to deal with, in my mind. They're just this hulking bulk of paper that you feel you must hold onto, despite also knowing that the chances are incredibly high you'll never reach for them again. So what to do ...

Live Simply All-Star: Drawer Dividers

Perhaps it should go without saying (being that nearly every organizing lesson here has featured them) but here I am, about to say it anyway. It is my blog, after all. K, so here's the deal: drawer dividers are the shiznit. Seriously. Drawers are inherently very difficult to keep organized. They are both vast and undefined space, and the contents inside are constantly being jostled around as you slide the drawer open and closed. Dividers are the ...

Monday’s Meditation: On The Shoulder Shrug

You will know by now that I am all about being proactive and productive when it comes to tackling both issues of the home and of the heart. And yet,there are times when even the most proactive among us need to simply back away, recognize that we cannot control everything, let our shoulders rise in a grand and glorious 'shrug,' and let it all go. I do believe that the "whatayagonnado" is quite different than ...


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