Your Rising Sign

February 1, 2025


It feels cliche to talk about rising. The image of the phoenix is played out. We get it. We fall and (hopefully) we get back up. Hurrah.

Except anyone who has truly felt themselves rise understands the hype.

I’m a perfectionist, which means I’m perpetually aiming at doing things beyond even the best of my abilities. In striving, I’ve made my fair share of mistakes.

I realized a while ago how pointless (and damaging) it is to dwell in the lower energy plane of those mistakes longer than necessary. Scolding myself for not having seen back then what I surely ought to have doesn’t change the present circumstances.

The fastest and most assured way to move beyond whatever has transpired is to be committed to using the present moment as an opportunity to learn and improve.

“How will I use this as an opportunity to rise?”

It’s a refrain I’ve adopted and ask automatically now. The question is wonderful because it implies that using the present for greater good is obvious and natural. It isn’t a matter of if we can, but how we will.

Sometimes what’s transpired is far darker than a little, avoidable mistake. Despair, unjust cruelty, and devastating loss are parts of the human experience. So are moments of feeling overlooked, undermined, provoked, disadvantaged, angry at others and at ourselves, and adrift in grief.

Even (and often especially) then, we have the ability to rise by recognizing the valuable lessons each moment contains and integrating the learnings.

After we have processed the pain, released the wound, and relinquished our desire to rewrite the past, our challenges can serve as the kindling that stokes the blaze of our eventual ascensions.

There is so much power in knowing that your darkest place need not be your end point, but a reference point: the way you’ll recognize, one day soon, how far you’ve come.

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