The New Way To Decorate: Elevate Everyday Objects
I've said it before and I'll say it again, if you love it enough to keep it--for the idea of it, for the sheer beauty...
Personalized & Disguised Magazine Files
In today's edition of ideas that aren't mine which came not at all from my own brain, a real thunker of a great plan stolen...
6 Surprisingly Chic New Uses For Old Ladders
Mostly I try not to encourage you in the direction of collecting or finding reasons to keep around old, worn down stuff because you seem...
Framed Scarves
It is with a fair amount of regularity that I encounter a client's painstakingly preserved collection of silk scarves, and along with them, an...
DIY Business Card Organizer
My ultimate goal here is to encourage you all to Live the Simply. Often times, though, I advise on the broader scale--guiding principles and such....
Super Simple, Majorly Affordable DIY Necklace Organizer
As of late, I've been getting inquires about that necklace organizer situation I told your eyeballs about a couple of months ago. In the interest of getting...
10 Totally Ingenious, Ridiculously Stylish IKEA Hacks (2)
Seeing as how the first 10 Totally Ingenious, Ridiculously Stylish IKEA Hacks post I wrote was such a massive hit on the interwebs--seriously, records were broken,...