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Love Me Some Paneling

As a professed lover of white and neutral decor, it's a challenge to figure out how to add sufficient flavor to a space. I shy away from very bold artwork or paint color, for instance, but I don't want a space that looks bland and boring either. Paneling has the ability to keep the integrity of a color palette by both blending in, and making a statement, simultaneously. Paneling makes an otherwise drab, unadorned wall instantly have dimension, ...

Remote Access: How NOT to lose the remote control

There you are, ready to sink into your couch cushions and melt away into the fantastical world of television when you realize- you can't find the remote. Irritated, you will naturally begin by checking the couch, in between all the cushions. Next you will double over, craning your neck to look underneath the couch, scouring the floor. Still not finding it, you will stand up, venture over the TV, and start patting around, though you ...

Nail Polish, Polished: Organizing Your Finger Paints

Nail polish has really been having a moment lately (for the unforeseeable past and future). And it's little wonder why: the neat packaging, the infinite shades, the devilishly clever little names, these little jars of varnish are almost impossible to resist. It's becomes a somewhat secret shared passion for women to build and cultivate a nail paint library of their own. Now, when the manicure is more ubiquitous than ever, your nail polish collection says ...

How to Clean & Organize the Fridge

The fridge is a primary staple of any home, and as such, its organization is vital to a properly functioning household. Be that as it may, most people, it seems, are working with a less than adequate fridge set-up. Refrigerators are commonly overstuffed, over-condimented, or just untended. Do not discount the fact that your ice box is a large vessel for food, which you consume. Thinking of it this way, the fridge becomes a kind of ...

Monday’s Meditation: On Giving Away Ideas

When I stumbled on this quote, it instantly struck a chord with me. In truth, it sort of captures my philosophy about writing this whole blog. I have found that it's far more rewarding to send my ideas out into the universe, to share them with anyone reading, than to keep them sequestered inside myself. We are all recycling ideas naturally anyhow, might as well purposefully contribute to the giving and taking. This week, take ...


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