A Simple Way To Gain Clarity About What You Really Need While Decluttering

December 7, 2016

Mostly all hesitation, reluctance, or anxiety to release things while in the process of editing leads back to the fear of potentially needing it in the future.

This is especially true for those items which a person may have relied upon heavily in the past: a jacket that was a go-to winter accessory for seven years straight. A set of mixing bowls used for every meal cooked or cookie baked. A pair of boots that seemed to go with everything for a while.

We rely on a certain number of things at any given time, be they kitchen tools, clothing items, or household supplies. As time continues, we naturally discover and accumulate items that usurp older ones. Yet those older ones, known to us as tried and true essentials, can feel difficult to part with.

Such a great fail-safe question to ask yourself when decluttering! Instant clarity achieved!

Except in every case I’ve ever tested, the truth comes clear by posing the following question:

“What would you reach for first?”


“What would you likely reach for instead of that?”

The hand begins moving automatically; the mind knows beyond a shadow of a doubt.

“This one,” they say, pointing to the version that’s most exciting them in life currently, and that most reflects the needs and preferences of the person they are today.

“I would reach for this one because I like the color better.”

“I would reach for this one over that because I prefer the feel of it.”

“I would always reach for this one over that one. It’s just more me.”

And having connected the fear of the unknown with the definite answer of what they own and love now, releasing things, even those that once were in heaviest rotation, becomes Simple.



1 Comment

  1. Daisy on December 12, 2016 at 11:56 pm

    I loved that tip! Will keep that in mind as I declutter this month.

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1 Comment

  1. Daisy on December 12, 2016 at 11:56 pm

    I loved that tip! Will keep that in mind as I declutter this month.

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