A Rainbow Of Planners For Your Most Colorful (Organized) 2017
‘Tis the season, as they say. No, not the season of twinkling lights and candy canes (although it may be that, too), but the season of freshly cracked spines of next year’s calendars, ritualistic transferring of information from one year’s planner to the next, bouquets of sharpened pencils—all those nerdy delights.
And since I know I can’t be the only one who still uses a paper calendar (I’m not, right??) I’ve assembled a bundle of agenda books for your particular perusal pleasure.
4. Blush agenda
9. Daily Simplified Planner (These always seem to sell out, so don’t delay if you’re interested!)
10. Chambray 2017 (I just bought this guy for myself.)
11. Cobalt Planner
Would that I could sit and relish the tradition of getting all scheduled up for the coming year with you. Sigh.
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