Product Review: Clear, Watertight Totes

March 27, 2013

The story is this:

I spent the weekend and a bit of Monday helping one of my clients tackle her basement belongings (more on this whole issue later, most likely).

Take my word on this one: after you’ve sorted through 30+ boxes, gone through heap-loads of family memorabilia spanning generations, debated and contemplated, trashed and sorted and so on, you want nothing more than the resounding clicking into place of plastic lid onto bin. You want that top to be secured. Fastened. Baton down the hatches and whatnot.

There are few things worse (see: discovering you’re missing one puzzle piece of the jigsaw you just spent a week and a half bent over completing) than attending to the aforeblogged process, only to place your goods in a storage tub whose lid can be said only to fit atop the bin underneath, rather than actually fusing onto it. It leaves you with the most-unsettled feeling, as you continually test out the resilience of the lid against your gentle simulations of environmental shift to discover that, yes, your powers of perception are correct, that lid is in no way securely attached to that bin.

This particular experience was of the former, as my client had purchased these watertight totes (after a freak basement flooding resulting in near annihilation of walls and belongings alike, you would too). We placed all her most precious storage things inside these bins, and after latching the lids onto on a whole bundle of them, I can tell you that I was utterly impressed.

Solid, sturdy, water and air tight, with edges that sufficiently serve as handles but which aren’t sharp enough to cause injury, these bins feature two latches on either side that really clamp down into place, providing that must sought after satisfying CLICK. And stackable, too!

We slapped some labels on their sides and then sent them downstairs in good conscious. Basement floods be damned.

If you’re in need of durable and protective storage bins, I recommend the watertight totes (by the power vested in me by the state of the blog and the organizing community etc etc heretofore and so forth).




  1. ashley on March 27, 2013 at 12:41 pm

    ooh good to know! our shtuff is currently in cardboard boxes in the basement, but since the washer/dryer is down there, it’s absolutely prone to flooding. just might need to look into getting these!

  2. […] bags, labels, markers, bubble wrap, as well as plastic storage tubs (read which ones I recommendhere). Get them. Get […]

  3. […] first wrote about my love for the weathertight (used to be “watertight”) totes back in 2013. I included them in a favorites in 2014. They’ve featured in several other posts that […]

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  1. ashley on March 27, 2013 at 12:41 pm

    ooh good to know! our shtuff is currently in cardboard boxes in the basement, but since the washer/dryer is down there, it’s absolutely prone to flooding. just might need to look into getting these!

  2. […] bags, labels, markers, bubble wrap, as well as plastic storage tubs (read which ones I recommendhere). Get them. Get […]

  3. […] first wrote about my love for the weathertight (used to be “watertight”) totes back in 2013. I included them in a favorites in 2014. They’ve featured in several other posts that […]

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