Trays: The Superhero Of The Storage World

February 6, 2018

It is a long, long ago established fact that trays are storage superheroes.

I would go so far as to make the claim that there is nothing else whose chief purpose is to corral items in a space that is as versatile or as instantly transformational as a tray.

Without a tray, a bunch of objects sitting out in plain sight appear messy and accidental. Without the spatial-defining borders of a tray, a group of items sitting out invite the accumulation of scads more items–though the latter group certainly does not belong out.

But you plant a tray down and bam! Legitimate, on-purpose, official resting place for a considered group of items established.

In short: sans tray = sloppy, tray = intentional. And the difference in appearance between those two is nothing short of magical.

Use them in the bathroom (especially if you lack a medicine cabinet/drawer conducive to storing taller, cosmetic bottle), in the kitchen (as an intentional, non-clutter inviting method for keeping cooking essentials at hand), in the office (as a purposeful way to gather and display tools you use constantly), and virtually any other place in your space.

trays: the superhero of the storage world.


1. round mirrored tray

2. round brushed gold tray

3. cuff wood server with handle

4. scalloped tray

5. midnight flowers tray

6. mirror tray

7. hi-gloss square pink tray

8. mother of pearl decorative tray

9. fishs eddy gilded cafe mirror tray

10. onslow tray

11. round enamel tray




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