Organizing Product Favorites: November 2014
1. Rosy Rings Home Fragrance Spray in Honey Tobacco
This fragrance spray has actually been one of my absolute favorites since April, when I bought it for myself as a birthday present. Only it finally ran out and so, slightly devastated as I am, I finally thought to include it here.
I’m not sure I had ever smelled any candle or spray “x and tobacco” scented before. Following first whiff, I happily unearthed a latent obsession.
I took to spraying this liberally in the air right before bed, and while it doesn’t have the greatest latest power, it nonetheless provided a nightly waft of intoxicating goodness.
The scent is a little bit sweet, a little bit smoky, much like the combination of honey and tobacco might be.
So the good news is that I think I’ll stick to describing Live Simply and leave the world of fragrances be, and the other good news is that you can smell it for yourself if you fancy. Fancy.
2. Can Dispenser
The easiest way to feel as if you’re the possessor of an ultra high tech grocery store.
I bought a bundle of these for my client’s pantry this past month. They were the perfect proportions for her shelves, and while I hadn’t used them before, the attitude is generally: let’s try it out and if it absolutely sucks it goes back. (Smiles all around.)
This dispenser pops together in around three seconds, it has an 8-can capacity, and, thanks to the power of gravity, it rolls canned goods forward to the front of the line. Sort of like how Evian bottles scoot forward in the convenience store chilled sections, only even more effective.
3. Huggable ultra slim finger clips
I honestly can’t remember if I’ve mentioned these before, so please forgive the potential repetition. These clips are the partners in crime to my beloved velvet slim hangers. They slide onto the hanger bar, instantly transforming that hanger into one capable of accommodating skirts, or other any garments you might want to clip up rather than drape over.
My only cautionary word would be that the clips always work best with their corresponding hangers, meaning if you bought the Container Store’s hangers you should buy the Container Store clips, the Amazon hangers; the Amazon clips, and so on.
4. Travalo Pink Refillable Spray Mini Perfume Bottle
A genius little contraption.
I’ve had a perfume atomizer for a couple of years now, and while it’s decent (I think it leaks? But I can’t be sure? But I don’t think I sprayed that much?), it doesn’t wow me.
For my trip this week (I’m on vacation, have I mentioned?) I upgraded to this version by Travalo, which seems like, better in every way.
a. It has a little window in the side so that you can actually see the liquid level.
b. It comes with a protective carrying case, or else I held onto the original packaging which seems deceivingly like a case.
c. It comes in lots of colors, which basically doesn’t matter at all, but you know, options!
d. The biggest factor: it has a little thingy in the bottom where you can insert the nozzle of your perfume bottle and just spray directly up into it—no fragrance sacrificed during transfer. With my old atomizer the best I could do was point the perfume bottle in the general direction of the tube and hope for the best. Big upgrade. Big.
5. Cameron Library Cubby Bookcase
This bookcase went into the newly-established playroom at one of my client’s and let me tell you: it looked just as fantastic in real life, all loaded up with books, as it did in catalogue-form.
Solid, barely verging on stately by way of those library-style placards, it’s a great option for holding children’s books.
Plus, the cubbies have a bit of a lip, which aren’t at all as prescriptive as cubbies that have more of a substantial front-side, but still give you that slight edge over having books end up all over the floor (pun intended bet your bottom).
6. Goo Gone Pen
Enter this one into my ongoing saga with goo gone and plastic scrapers and whatever.
I almost wrote an entire Small Things post about this pen, but then I talked myself off the keyboard like, “Annie, it’s a pen.”
This is the format in which goo gone should ideally come. Because really, no one ever wants a river of that stuff flooding forth from a bottle. You just want a little bit right on the spot where you want it. And if you carry it in your bag on the daily, you don’t want to worry about it leaking.
Suffice it to say: latest work-bag essential. Just bought my second.
7. Linus Organizer Binz, Divided (size medium)
My love for Linus continues.
I’ve talked loads before about the Linus deep drawer bins and the Linus pantry bins, and here’s the latest installment: these compartmentalized bins. Being of this product family, they’ll work in any place. While marketed as being pantry organizers (and they would be naturals at holding sugar packets and so on, I agree) I play by my own rules, and so used them in my client’s gift wrap closet to hold gift tags. They worked marvelously, and, let me not forget to mention, are fully stackable.
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