13 Ways to Save Time in the Morning
It feels only appropriate to harness the vigor of the back-to-school essence now filling the air in the form of a time management topic. Specifically: how to save time in the morning.
I know- you’re probably saying “I’ve heard all that before, Annie.” And to that I would say “Well yes, yes you have.” Point being that the information below may not be revolutionary, but it should nonetheless serve as helpful and necessary reminders.
Okay, onward.
The best way to save time in the morning is to do shit the night before. Hello, bonjour! Anything that can be prepared the night before, when your brain is awake and processing information quicker, should be. Anything you do at night is one less thing you will have to worry about in the morning. So, make sure you:
1. Pick out your outfit before you go to sleep/ make sure children have their outfits selected
2. Pack your lunch/ children’s lunches the night before. If there are things that can’t be prepared ahead of time (I’m not keen on pre-prepared sandwiches) that’s alright, but make sure that everything that can be, is.
3. Pack your bag the night before– this is a big one. As in, big time saver/ time suck. Before you go to bed, review your schedule and activities for the following day. Then gather together all the items you will need and place them in your bag/ by the door/ both. This may include a change of gym clothes, the dry cleaning, an envelope you need to take to the post office, files. Children should do this as well, gathering homework, sports equipment, etc.
4. Prepare breakfast the night before. This doesn’t mean that you should throw your bowl of oatmeal in the microwave at 10pm to mush around until morning, but that you have in mind what you will eat for your morning meal. Set out any necessary items such as bowl, spoon, oatmeal packet, etc (perhaps consider making a breakfast bar).
Moving on to general tips:
5. Factor in a buffer zone. That’s all I’m sayin’.
6. Don’t turn on the TV. TV’s make time go away. Disappear. Evaporate. This bodes badly for the morning.
7. Don’t take phone calls. God, and by god I mean man, invented voicemail for a reason, and by reason I mean reasons, and one of those is morningtime. Unplanned for phone calls are sure to distract you and run you right off the on-time course.
8. Keep an eye on the clock. I recommend getting one for the bathroom, a time vortex in the AM.
9. Consider investing in appliances that will naturally infuse efficiency into your routine; ionic hairdryers to cut down on drying time, coffee makers with self-timers.
And now a few aimed at the bitties:
10. Don’t try out new makeup looks or hairstyles, dainties. Just don’t. Save that fun experimenting that actually might go horribly awry and necessitate an hour just to repair for the weekends.
11. Consider showering at night to cut out that whole hair drying routine in the morning, and refresh locks in the AM with a dry shampoo. You girls love that shit.
12. As long as we’re on the subject of hair, two words for you: braids, bun. Done.
13. Have your makeup organized so that you don’t have to rummage through five blushes to get to the one you want to use. Perhaps go through your collection and set aside the “everyday” items, making them easier than easy to apply.
Now you tell me: what are ways you waste or save time in the morning?
Image credits: Unabashedly Prep, Pottery Barn, unknown, Simply Breakfast, BHG, Douglas Friedman, Happily Grey, Into the Gloss, House and Home11 Comments
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I MUST pick out my clothes and pack my bag the night before, or else all hell breaks lose in the morning.
I waste time in the morning by sitting down at my computer. If I check email it leads to reading blogs …
haha well my hands are tied on that one 😉
I really wish I could get better about picking my outfit out the night before but I never know what I’m going to feel like wearing until the next morning. That’s why I have to wake up at 6:15 to leave the house at 8am. How pathetic is that??? 🙂 xoxo
I do know what you mean! Maybe try picking out a few “options” to choose from in the morning?
I love to shower the night before! One big perk is that I usually let my hair air dry, so it doesn’t get as damaged as it would if I was blow drying it every morning. I need to remember all of these tips though. We’re so bad about mornings around here! 🙂
I also always shower at night and it really does save me loads of time in the am. All I have to do is take down my bun, comb, and then I’m good to go!
Love these tips! I always prepare my outfit the night before,this saves a heap of time! I always make sure I never open my computer as that is a major time-suck vortex for me xx
My only time-saving tip is staying away from the computer…seriously I can be here for hours.:)
[…] ada artikel yang menarik, 13 Ways To Save Time In The Morning. Artikel yang bagus. Daripada tiap pagi pas ada Uda aku buru-buru and kebut-kebutan mulu.. :p […]
I plan everything I’m wearing for the week Mon to Fri on Sunday night. Saves a lot of hussle
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I MUST pick out my clothes and pack my bag the night before, or else all hell breaks lose in the morning.
I waste time in the morning by sitting down at my computer. If I check email it leads to reading blogs …
haha well my hands are tied on that one 😉
I really wish I could get better about picking my outfit out the night before but I never know what I’m going to feel like wearing until the next morning. That’s why I have to wake up at 6:15 to leave the house at 8am. How pathetic is that??? 🙂 xoxo
I do know what you mean! Maybe try picking out a few “options” to choose from in the morning?
I love to shower the night before! One big perk is that I usually let my hair air dry, so it doesn’t get as damaged as it would if I was blow drying it every morning. I need to remember all of these tips though. We’re so bad about mornings around here! 🙂
I also always shower at night and it really does save me loads of time in the am. All I have to do is take down my bun, comb, and then I’m good to go!
Love these tips! I always prepare my outfit the night before,this saves a heap of time! I always make sure I never open my computer as that is a major time-suck vortex for me xx
My only time-saving tip is staying away from the computer…seriously I can be here for hours.:)
[…] ada artikel yang menarik, 13 Ways To Save Time In The Morning. Artikel yang bagus. Daripada tiap pagi pas ada Uda aku buru-buru and kebut-kebutan mulu.. :p […]
I plan everything I’m wearing for the week Mon to Fri on Sunday night. Saves a lot of hussle