Top 5 Interior Design Spotlight Posts of 2016
It’s the annual top posts of the year week on Live Simply!
As has become the tradition, we’re wrapping up 2016 by looking back at the posts you deemed your favorites by way of clicks, re-pins, re-shares and so on. Whether that’s because they’re the most helpful or the most wacky, well, I’ll leave that to you to decide.
For the next two weeks, a concise list of stand-out blog post stars will be yours to peruse. Revisit posts that struck a cord. Read posts you missed during the year. Bask in a Live Simply glow. And hey, be a pal and share the ones you really love with the ones you really love, okay?
Thank you ever so much for reading. Commence the counting down!
5. Spotlight On A Family-Friendly Home That’s Trendy (Without Trying Too Hard!)
4. Spotlight On A Client’s Relaxed Modern, Indigo-Filled Home
2. Spotlight On A Small Beach Retreat
1. Spotlight On Park & Oak Design
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