Top 10 Monday’s Meditation Posts of 2016 (Part 1)
Welcome to the annual top posts posts!
As has become the tradition around here, we’re wrapping up a year of the Live Simply blog by looking back at the posts you deemed your favorites by way of clicks, re-pins, re-shares and so on. Whether that’s because they’re the most helpful or the most wacky, well, I’ll leave that to you to decide.
For the next two weeks, a concise list of stand-out blog post stars will be yours to peruse. Revisit posts that struck a cord. Read posts you missed during the year. Bask in a Live Simply glow. And hey, be a pal and share the ones you really love with the ones you really love, okay?
Thank you ever so much for reading. Commence the counting down!
(psst: Since MM’s have become so popular around these parts, I decided last year to include the top ten of them, and have done the same this year. This week will be 10-6, and come back next Monday for 5-1.)
10. Monday’s Meditation: On Creating With Love & The Amazon Bookstore
9. Monday’s Meditation: On Getting Over Ourselves Enough To Cheer For Other’s Choices
8. Monday’s Meditation: On Why It’s Okay If No One Else “Gets It”
7. Monday’s Meditation: On Breaking Patterns
6. Monday’s Meditation: On The Best New Year’s Resolution You Can Possibly Make
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Thank you for the blog. It is easy to say “Live simply,” but most of us need the vision and lots of help with the nitty gritty of simplifying and letting go. You have the vision and the practical, unique application and the words to get our attention.
Thank you so much for these powerful words, Susan!! I can’t tell you what they mean to me. Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment. xxx
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Thank you for the blog. It is easy to say “Live simply,” but most of us need the vision and lots of help with the nitty gritty of simplifying and letting go. You have the vision and the practical, unique application and the words to get our attention.
Thank you so much for these powerful words, Susan!! I can’t tell you what they mean to me. Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment. xxx