9 Retail Recycling Programs That Reward You
Programs for recycling electronics are old news around here. What might be new news to you is that more and more companies (some slightly more exciting than Best Buy; no offense meant BB) are beginning to offer similar recycling programs to their customers.
Perhaps the only thing better than doing right by the earth is doing right by the earth while simultaneously obtaining retail treats (there’s a time and a place, hello). By offering recycling rewards programs, retailers end up looking like the hero in more ways than one–see how they did that?
If they’re stores you already shop at, you might as well jump on the bandwagon. And if you aren’t shopping at the following places, well, I got nothin’.
Okay so like which stores are we talking?
1. Patagonia– Patagonia is one company that is truly committed to reducing their environmental impact. Through their recycling program, Common Threads Partnership, they are producing goods meant to last a lifetime, offering repair services, and accepting worn out items for recycling. Most impressive to me is that they now also buy back all gently used items that you no longer need or want. Respect, homie.
2. MAC– Beauty junkies rejoice (but like still keep a handle on that situation…). MAC cosmetics offers its customers an incentive to recycle empty packaging containers; bring back 6 and receive a free lipstick of your choice in exchange. You’ll only feel a little bit like a hoarder as you amass those empty compacts, swear.
(Fit in: “Back-To-Mac-it.”)
3. Kheils– Similar to MAC, Kheils is now rewarding its customers for returning empty packaging for recycling. Full-size bottles count for 1 stamp each; 10 stamps earn you a free travel collection product of your choice. All sized products are accepted for recycling. Something about this program’s guidelines seem ever so slightly convoluted to me, but you know, bring back the stuff and get the other stuff, hooray!
4. Apple– Apparently Apple has now expanded their recycling program to include all products; send or bring in your old iEverythings for reuse or recycling. If they ascertain that the product still has monetary value, they’ll automatically add that amount to an Apple gift card.
5. Eileen Fisher– One of my clients who shops at E.F. regularly informed me of this one: customers can receive $5 for each gently used item of clothing they bring into an Eileen Fisher store. The program is part of the Green Eileen campaign, aimed at reducing waste and helping organizations that support women and girls.
6. Aveda– Aveda is earthy and that’s much of its appeal. Keeping in that tradition, the company now offers recycling collection at all retail locations for packaging not accepted curbside.
7. Nike– I believe I’ve spoken about Nike’s reuse-a-shoe program before, but regardless: Nike will accept your worn athletic shoes and transform them into Nike Grind, a surface for tracks, fields and playgrounds.
8. Nordstrom– Fashion Project. Here’s how it works: register online. Request a donation packet. Fill the packet with designer clothing you no longer need or want. When the clothes sell online, 55% of the proceeds will go to a charity of your choosing, and you’ll receive a $40 Nordstrom gift card.
9. H&M– Admittedly, I didn’t expect H & M to wind up on this list, but it seems as though the company is committed to reducing clothing waste. Customers can hand in clothing of any brand and in any condition to H & M stores. There’s a voucher deal involved somewhere along the line…(hats off for thorough research!)
I’m certain there are more stores doing similar things with recycling. If you know of any, please be a pal and throw the heads up in the comments below!
Image credits: unknown, Jamie Beck, Nick Goulden5 Comments
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Thank you for the great ideas. I just signed up for the Nordstrom Fashion Project and plan to bring a few items to the Apple store next week.
If you donate 3 gently used pieces of work out clothing (any brand) at Lorna Jane, they give you $15 off your next purchase.
Annie, I assume you’re talking about the recycling of the respective company’s items in their own stores (with the exception of Nike & H&M, where you give specifics), correct? Just wanted to be sure. Thanks!
Great round-up! For Apple: it’s only the iPods and iPhones that you can bring into the stores — the rest (Macs and iPads) you send through the mail after filling in the form that you link to above.
I just saw this post, really interesting!
A few years back, underwear brand Intimissimi did a recycling campaign for a couple months: get a 50% discount on a new bra by bringing 2 old ones, reused in sound/thermic isolation panels for buildings. I found it very nice, to know where my stuff mas going, and the switch from bra to wall component ^^
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Thank you for the great ideas. I just signed up for the Nordstrom Fashion Project and plan to bring a few items to the Apple store next week.
If you donate 3 gently used pieces of work out clothing (any brand) at Lorna Jane, they give you $15 off your next purchase.
Annie, I assume you’re talking about the recycling of the respective company’s items in their own stores (with the exception of Nike & H&M, where you give specifics), correct? Just wanted to be sure. Thanks!
Great round-up! For Apple: it’s only the iPods and iPhones that you can bring into the stores — the rest (Macs and iPads) you send through the mail after filling in the form that you link to above.
I just saw this post, really interesting!
A few years back, underwear brand Intimissimi did a recycling campaign for a couple months: get a 50% discount on a new bra by bringing 2 old ones, reused in sound/thermic isolation panels for buildings. I found it very nice, to know where my stuff mas going, and the switch from bra to wall component ^^