What Will You Renew?

September 1, 2024


August, with its straw hat and freckles, has taken its final bow for the year. In its stead enters September, which, with its return to routine for so many families, gives one that sense that life is once again standing at attention with its glasses on.

The mornings are crisper, the daylight shortens, but still, the spirit of renewal is in the air.

This month invites us to resume activities we’ve abandoned during the summer and to pour energy into the areas of our lives that we’ve allowed to become neglected or worn, and to recommit to our goals, our values, and our relationships.

Being in a season of renewal also offers us the chance to consciously release those commitments which no longer serve us or to which we can no longer realistically devote our precious time. As we let go of those activities, relationships, or mindsets which clutter our lives, we increase our capacity to pledge ourselves with newfound vigor to that which truly matters to us.

As we work to bring more energy to our priorities, we realize the impact of our positive actions. We are reinvigorated by demonstrating to ourselves that we remain steadfast in our values, behaviors, and relationships. We gain momentum through our efforts to improve.

Every day of this month, we will be demonstrating our values to ourselves through our actions.

Renewal is not only an occasional sport—something we do after many years. It is also what we do daily.

Each morning, we have the chance to renew ourselves through Simple acts like picking up after ourselves, shopping mindfully, and choosing to act now in service to our future selves. Each new day, we have the privilege of renewing our investment in longevity, health and vitality through movement and meditation. We have the opportunity to renew our relationships through quality conversations, through our attentiveness, and through our non-judgment. Each and every moment, we are capable of renewing our peace of mind and centeredness through our breath.

What you pour energy into and express gratitude for will sustain. What you neglect, whether intentionally or not, will fall away.

Renew what matters to you now.

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