Peruse If You Choose
Happy Saturday muffins! Hope your weekend is off to a swell start.
If you should find yourself desiring some material to peruse on your off days, consider checking out these links I stumbled across this week and deemed share-worthy:
1. Thanks to Miss Jess LC, I came across this post by coach and general life-ass-kicker, Marie Forleo, in which she describes her encounter with an “upper limit problem.” If you’re not up for delving into the article in-depth, at least allow me to offer up the golden nugget at the crux of this post.
“Each of has an internal thermometer for how much success, wealth, happiness, love, and intimacy we’ll let ourselves experience. That’s our upper limit setting. Kind of like our success comfort zone.
When we exceed our internal thermostat setting and life gets super duper OMG good (we have an influx of money, get healthy and thin, find a great relationship) – we unconsciously do things to sabotage ourselves, so we can drop back to the old, familiar place where we feel in control.”
Read the post in its entirety for instructions on how to dismantle your upper limit problem.
2. I made this Brussel sprout and kale salad with almonds this week, and had around zero expectations. I was so pleasantly surprised when it turned out to be absolutely delicious! If you’re into healthy eats, you’ll love this one. (Just a tip- the dressing on this is key. Don’t skimp/skip out.)
3. I also discovered this recipe for roasted beet and citrus salad, which I just may have to try out this weekend. If you’re a fan of beets, like me, then this will sound super tantalizing and refreshing.
Image credit: Dreamy Whites
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Thanks lady for the mention! It is one of my favorite salads. Hope you enjoy and let me know how it goes!
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Thanks lady for the mention! It is one of my favorite salads. Hope you enjoy and let me know how it goes!