Worried About Where You Should Be Donating Your Cast-Offs? Read this.
There are a slew of reasons why clutter continues to occupy people’s homes. One which should not be overlooked is the fact that people hold on to clutter because they’re concerned about where those items end up.
It’s a really lovely, well-intentioned thought, see; people are aware that the item or collection of things they possess would be of particular value to a select group of people. They thusly want to ensure that what they have ends up in the hands of the people for whom it will do the most good, be the most appreciated, have the most impact. But, they also don’t have (make) time to research where those people are and how to donate to them, let alone have (make) the time to transport the things to the group they identify.
And so it sits.
The months go by and still the thing or things loiter in a corner of the basement.
“I have to take that to x specialty organization,” people will tell me.
Or: “I need to find out where I should donate x speciality items.”
It’s so sweet! It’s lovely that you want to make sure that those crutches get in the hands of the People Doing The Most Good With Crutches. It’s so admirable to want to donate those baby clothes to The Organization That Helps The Worst-Off Babies The Most. It’s so thoughtful that you want to give that epic collection of Pokemon cards to The Nerdiest Group Of People Who Worship Pokemon Cards The Most Ever.
But oooh, here it comes. You might want to squint in preparation for this one.
You’re not helping anyone by continuing to hold on to things you intend to do something noble with.
You’re definitely not helping yourself to Live Simply, and you certainly aren’t helping a single other soul who might benefit from what you have to give them, either.
The longer you let such things sit around, the longer you are, in a sense, not acting with selfless intentions, but with selfish ones. You are withholding from the world where you might generously give.
And: any organization, forget about which one, is going to be able to do more good with what you have than you are currently, with those items sitting in a bag somewhere in your house or car as they are.
If forming a relationship with a particular charitable organization is what motivates you to actually give things away, well that’s fantastic. And, if the belief that you need to identify the best possible organization to donate to is holding you back, hindering your being in action, it’s time to let go, in more ways than one.
Let go of the pressure you’re putting on yourself to find the most specialized, most noble charity. Let go of the false belief that donating to larger organizations that collect a wide range of goods isn’t “good enough.” Let go of trying to control the destiny of what you have already emotionally parted ways with.
Do the good you can do.
Giving needn’t be a struggle.
Image credits: unknown, Play & Go
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such a good point! I did a little research and found out the place closest to me uses what they can, and then sends a lot to 3rd world countries where the need is great for everything.
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such a good point! I did a little research and found out the place closest to me uses what they can, and then sends a lot to 3rd world countries where the need is great for everything.