The Sewing Kit
Among those things I steadfastly believe every home should be equipped with is a sewing kit. Sewing is hardly a primitive craft form; little old ladies may have rocked in front of fire places darning the holes in their family’s socks before the advent of electricity, an image which does, I’ll admit, contribute to the perceived antiquated nature of the practice. But despite that fact that we may have become a bit more eager to classify accidentally toe-less socks as garbage and head to Target for a brand new pack of six pairs, there are still undeniably instances when the necessity of a stitch or two is a non negotiable.
The basic sewing kit will contain:
– Thread
– Scissors
– Pincushion and straight pins
– Sewing needles
– Seam ripper
– Flexible tape measure
– Thimble
– Fabric pen
But what to keep said items in?
Stowing sewing kits in mason jars has really become quite the rage as of late (read: stowing anything in mason jars has really become quite the rage as of late), and with the added bonus of a lid doubling as a pin cushion, this method is a win.
Who can really quite make out what this next sewing kit is kept in, but it’s lovely and it’s there and that’s what counts.
Don’t think you can’t modernize the sewing kit by sticking it in a three ring binder because you can. We are truly a generation of innovators I tell you. (The one seen here uses a Russell+Hazel mini binder and zippered binder pockets
And then again, I’ve never met a tackle box that didn’t like a sewing kit. Those two famously hit it off (version on the right by Artbin; left by Sunbeam).
That you aren’t a master seamstress (seamster? seam-mister?) is no matter. I do, however, expect you all to be able to sew a button back onto the garment from whence it came (never admit you’ve yet to do this).
Here’s an exit poll:
a. What do you keep your sewing kit in? b. What was the last thing you sewed?
Image credits: Anthropologie, Stolen Moments, Anthropologie, The White Bench, Martha Stewart3 Comments
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I keep my sewing stuff in a sewing basket that I bought. The last thing I sewed was a button on a shirt. That’s all I can sew…never learned how 🙁
i need a new sewing kit so badly! i just have a cheapo travel kit and the quality of the thread and needles is abysmal. i can sew a button, but that’s about it!
The picture in question is a pointe shoe sprinkled with glitter. I love your storage ideas for my aspiring seamstress who is just six years old. She is looking for a non-traditional sewing organizer that she can make or repurpose.
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I keep my sewing stuff in a sewing basket that I bought. The last thing I sewed was a button on a shirt. That’s all I can sew…never learned how 🙁
i need a new sewing kit so badly! i just have a cheapo travel kit and the quality of the thread and needles is abysmal. i can sew a button, but that’s about it!
The picture in question is a pointe shoe sprinkled with glitter. I love your storage ideas for my aspiring seamstress who is just six years old. She is looking for a non-traditional sewing organizer that she can make or repurpose.